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Helping you understand your little one... That's my mission!

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My name is Lise, I'm a midwife since 2008 and the founder of De Baby Slaapcoach since 2016.


As a midwife I worked for 15 years at a neonatal care unit, the unit for premature babies and little ones who experience problems immediately after birth. This is where my passion arose to help and support you as a parent. In the neonatal care unit I worked very closely with the parents to help them support and understand their baby. 

I soon noticed that this one-on-one guidance from the parents is not only important for premature babies but just as good for all children.

Given the need for this one-on-one guidance, I developed The Sleep Code® .

A unique approach within sleep counseling that goes beyond just sleep.

Your little one has 4 major pillars that are very important for his/her development: Nutrition , sleep , play and connection/attachment . 

In the field I quickly noticed that the sleep "issues" are actually a symptom of a much larger problem. Therefore you can not view troubles with sleep as an isolated problem. You often see that when things don't go so smoothly in terms of sleeping, things also get a lot more difficult in terms of connection, play and/or nutrition.


For this reason, The Sleep Code®  originate. Together with you as parents, I will look for the real core of the sleeping problem. The Sleep Code®  is not a fixed method. It is a "code" (approach) that, after extensive discussion, will be composed for your unique situation. Not a single one The Sleep Code® will be the same, because no child or situation is the same.

Education and schooling

2005 - 2008



2012 - 2013







. . . 

Bachelor of Midwifery

Erasmus University College Brussels

Developmental care

UZ Antwerp

Developmental care

UZ Brussel

Caring for the sick neonate

Artevelde College Gent

Psychological and mental well-being during the peripartum

UPC KU Leuven

FINE 1 training (3 days)

Leuven University Hospital

Emotion- coaching training (3 months)

Verbinden opvoeden - Anky De Frangh/Gitte De Bruyn

Attachemnt training (3 days)

Draagkracht - Dr. Binu Singh

Child Congress

KPNI Belgium

Zero to five, how to thrive

UPC KU Leuven



© Copyright – 2020 – Lise Dullaerts - All rights reserved
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Debabyslaapcoach Vlaams gewest belgie

Lise Dullaerts

Vlaams gewest - België
Oost- Vlaanderen

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